Participants: ALumnas del Ballet Olga Lucia
Description-Program: Presentación del Ballet Olga Lucía, donde se podrá ver el colorido del Tap, Tnago, Jazz Broadway, Bollywood, Lirico y Ballet Clasico
This is the second eventto celebrate the International Dance Day which was intended to capture the teenagers passion for dance by presenting the latest jazz dances in a fashion way. attached are some pictures
1. Date and time of the event: Mayo 7 de 2014, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
2. Venue: Club Manizales, sede el Centro
3. Title of event: Tendencias
4. Organizer: Ballet Olga Lucia
5. Participants: Alumnas del Ballet Olga Lucia
6. Description-Program: Fashion del dia de la Danza donde el Ballet Olga Lucia mostrará las nuevas tendencias de la Danza.
7. Contact details:,