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 Events / Countries and Territories / South Africa

 South Africa

South Africa comprehensively

Province                          Capital                        Largest city

Eastern Cape                  Bhisho (Bisho)              Port Elizabeth

Free State                       Bloemfontein                  Bloemfontein

Gauteng                          Johannesburg                  Johannesburg

KwaZulu-Natal              Pietermaritzburg                  Durban

Limpopo                      Polokwane (Pietersburg)        Polokwane

Mpumalanga               Mbombela (Nelspruit)             Mbombela

North West                  Mahikeng (Mafikeng)              Rustenburg

Northern Cape                   Kimberley                        Kimberley

Western Cape                 Cape Town                         Cape Town

I wanted to share with you our contribution to INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY 2011
here in Cape Town, South Africa.
I am beginning a project called RHYTHM NATION
and with it I want to share the love of dance.
wanted to start somewhere and I decided to begin with teaching some
students the 2011 routine.
Please have a look and thank you for the opportunity.
Kind Regards
Kristen Barrett

In response to the CID Circular Letter of April 2011 with the invitation to register for the International Dance Day 2011, Laurence Yadi, Nicolas Cantillon – Compagnie 7273 from Geneva, Switzerland and Pro Helvetia – The Swiss Arts Council with his office in South Africa hereby wish to register the performance of the duo LISTEN & WATCH. LISTEN & WATCH AFRICA is a new version with the dancer Nicolas Cantillon and the Mozambican musician Nelton Miranda. The performance is scheduled on Thursday night, the 28th of April 2011 at 19h30 at the WITS THEATRE in Johannesburg, South Africa. We would be most grateful if you could include this performance on the agenda of this year’s INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY 2011.

Please find enclosed the flyer with the announcement of this exceptional event:

LISTEN & WATCH AFRICA is the fruit of a residency with Laurence Yadi, Nicolas Cantillon and Nelton Miranda during ten days at the CCFMOZ - Centre Culturel Franco-Mozambicain in Maputo.

LISTEN & WATCH AFRICA has been presented on Monday, the 25th of April in “premiere” at the CCFMOZ in Maputo. It is currently at the HIFA – Harare International Festival for the Arts in Zimbabwe for two performances on the 26th and the 27th of April, before the final show tomorrow, April 28th, at the WITS THEATRE in Johannesburg, South Africa.

1. Date and time of the event : Thursday, the 28th of April 2011 at 19h30

2. Venue : Wits Theatre, University of the Witswatersrand, Station Street, Braamfontain, Johannesburg, ZA

3. Title of event : Listen & watch, featuring Nelton Miranda, MZ (45 minutes)

4. Organizer : Pro Helvetia – The Swiss Arts Council, South Africa Office in collaboration with the Wits Theatre

5. Participants (performing artists) : Nicolas Cantillon, dance & Nelton Miranda, Bass and keybords

6. Description-Program : Listen & watch is a duo for a dancer and a musician on stage. Both artists perform this piece in a long musical crescendo and an uninterrupted dance which slowly leads to a state of trance. The original version from 2009 with the American guitarist Sir Richard Bishop has been revisited by the Mozambican musician Nelton Miranda (bass and keyboards) during a residency in April 2011 in Maputo. The result of this new collaboration of Nicolas Cantillon and the African musician is presented in Maputo (MZ), Harare (ZW) and South Africa (ZA) in the frame of a larger tour project of COMPAGNIE 7273 from the 1st to the 30th of April 2011 in Southern Africa with the support and coordination of Pro Helvetia – South Africa.

7. Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address :

Jasper Walgrave
Pro Helvetia Cape Town
Swiss Arts Council
level D, 25 Adderley Street
PO Box 469
Cape Town 8000, South Africa
T/F +27 21 4659033
M +27 83 562 42 93
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Martin Beyer
Laurence Yadi, Nicolas Cantillon – Compagnie 7273
CP 229
CH-1211 Genève 8, Switzerland
T/F +41 22 321 0800
M +33 6 29 74 33 22
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Friday the 28th. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.