Celebrating / Program
Program of Dance Day celebrations
Every physical or moral person, whether connected to dance or not, is free to celebrate Dance Day; the International Dance Council CID claims no copyright to it. For more visibility and better promotion it is advisable to have someone coordinate events and inform the public.
The CID Section of the city is the official coordinator of events celebrating Dance Day. In case there is no CID Section yet, an individual (person) or an institutional member (dance school or company) of the CID undertakes the role of coordinator. Coordinating does not entail entering into the content of any event but simply taking care of general matters, especially establishing the program and distributing it.
Circulate a table (spreadsheet, Microsoft Word or Excel) with the following columns.
1. Number
Number of event, for easy reference.
2. Location
Square, crossroads, street & number, park, hall, stadium or other venue where the event takes place.
3. Time
Starting time, eventually also finishing time of the performance.
4. Dance
Type of dance, for example: ballet, Oriental, ballroom, folk, tango, hip hop, acrobatic.
5. Ensemble
Name of dance school, company, duo, solo performer.
6. Contact
Contact details of the above ensemble: website, phone, email.
7. Notes
Any useful information on the performance (name of choreographer, sponsor, title of choreography, description etc.).
Provide also:
a) Contact details of the coordinator of Dance Day events, especially mobile phone number.
b) Website or Facebook page of the CID Section
c) Official Dance Day website: www.danceday.cid-portal.org
d) List of cooperating media (TV stations, newspapers, radio stations etc.)
e) List of sponsors
d) Text with general information, for example: the spirit of Dance Day, history of celebrations in the city, translation of the official message by CID, the importance of dance for society etc.