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Countries / Denmark







 Region Nordjylland   North Denmark Region   Aalborg      Aalborg
 Region Midtjylland  Central Denmark Region   Viborg   Aarhus
 Region Hovedstaden  Capital Region of Denmark   Hillerød   Copenhagen
 Region Syddanmark   Region of Southern Denmark  Vejle  Odense
Region Sjælland Zealand Region   Sorø  Roskilde 
Danmark Denmark Copenhagen Copenhagen
















International Dance Day

In Denmark from 26th – 29th of April 2014

The International Dance Day in Denmark is a huge celebration, involving more than 150 events and 100.000 people nationwide. The main celebration day is of course April 29th, but already form April 22nd , different kinds of events, workshops, performances, dance film screenings, etc. will be taking place. Here are some of the high lights:

  • The Dance of the Year
  • International web based dance film Competition

Each year Dansehallerne asks a choreographer to create a special choreography, The Dance of the Year, which will be performed by more than 10.000 people on The International Dance Day. This year Sigurd Johan Heide, a Norwegian folk dancer, has choreographed the Dance of the Year. The dance is being taught to school kids in Denmark, and on the 29th of April, around 5000 school kids will perform the Dance of the Year as dance flash mobs on different locations in Denmark. (See the film of The Dance of the Year at our website:

  1. competition is an open call for all screen dance makers, who want to visualize in 60 seconds what the theme of ‘flow’ means to them. 10 finalists are being selected, and their films will be screened on different locations in Denmark. The winner and runner-up receive 1500/500 EURO and will be announced at a special film screening event at April 27th in Copenhagen.
  • Dance at train stations

This event is taking place at April 29th, where a specific train going through most of Denmark stops at different stations, where dance groups perform at the train platforms, to give the travelers an extraordinary experience.

See more in our calendar for specific events:

The Day of Dance in Denmark is coordinated by Dansehallerne, and funded by Nordea-fonden.


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Adress: Dansehallerne

Pasteursvej 14

1799 København V


Facebook site:









Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Friday the 28th. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.