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International Dance Day tomorrow


Hi Children,

You must be back at school after the Avurudu and Good Friday holidays.
t looks like the rainy season has begun. We are experiencing heavy rains these days. So don’t forget to take your umbrella, raincoat and cap to school. Do not go out in the rain when it is lightening. It can be harmful to your health.

Do you like to dance? They say music makes the world go round. Music is of no use if you can’t dance.

Do you know that International Dance Day (World Dance Day) is celebrated on April 29 through promotion by the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization within UNESCO for all kinds of dance. The holiday was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute. The date was suggested by Pyotr Gusev to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre.

Among the goals of the Dance Day are to increase the awareness of the importance of dance among the general public, as well as to persuade governments all over the world to provide a proper place for dance in all systems of education, from primary to higher.

While dance has been an integral part of human culture throughout its history, it is under-prioritized by official establishments in the world.

So children, let’s dance and have fun.

Bye for now. - Aunt Anji

Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Friday the 28th. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.