Joomla project supported by everest poker review.

Countries / Belgium / Flemish Brabant



Flemish Brabant



1.  Date and time of the event : 29 of april, from 10 tot 16
2.  Venue: Full address, Belgium, Bierbeek, Hoogstraat 54  vzw CambiArte
3.  Title of event: World Dance Day
4.  Organizer: vzw CambiArte
5.  Participants: maximum 20
6.  Description-Program:
We open our doors to free dance and intuitive painting. No dance or painting experience required.

The day looks like this:

- arrive at a bag of tea or coffee

- installing our painting site and exploring material

- dance warming

- we lay the link with intuitive painting

- point, line, form and rhythm in dance and image

We enjoy a tasty vegetarian lunch in between.
Price : €70 (lunch and material included)

7.  Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address
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Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Monday the 30th. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.