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Events / Countries and Territories / Italy / Lombardia / Milano









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YvonneGorraraDanza 2FA281C



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TALENT GARDEN International Dance Competition

Good Morning,
On 24 April in Italy, the Talent Garden 3.0 will take place, a major dance competition at the Carcano theatre in Milan - Italy.

On the occasion of this important event, the video footage that will be streamed live, will be made.

If you are interested in seeing the competition, you can purchase at a cost of € 8, a streaming reproduction of the entire event which will start at 1 pm on 24th April 2017 here is the link .

Upon purchase, the password will arrive directly via your e mail.

Best regards
Walter Paparo


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29 april 2017 - 15.30 - 17.30

Mouvement in art. Dance workshop at Accademia Carrara Museum of Bergamo

How can we be differently involved in understanding art? Is it mouvement a way of creating an audience engagement for an art Museums? Can dance offer an different approach to art? Let's express our body at Accademia Carrara, in order to understand the language of art through our movement inspired by four masterpieces of the Museum.  A dance starting dealing with body language, disequilibrium, posture in space, abandonment.

Accademia Carrara Museum, Piazza Giacomo Carrara, 82. Bergamo, Italy

Museum LINK

Movement workshop by Sarah Dominique Orlandi. Creando

RESERVATION:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Movement in art.





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29 aprile 2016 2





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Venerdì 29 aprile 2016 in occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Danza MAS Music, Arts & Show promuove due appuntamenti dedicati a questa meravigliosa arte performativa.
La danza per tutti! Gli appuntamenti promossi dal MAS in occasione del 29 aprile sono aperti a tutti, professionisti e non, con un’attenzione particolare anche ai bambini. 
Gli appuntamenti sono a numero chiuso, è obbligatoria la prenotazione telefonica.

ENTRY MAS: una prova gratuita per aspiranti ballerini con Lorella Formica, un breve spettacolo di danza e la presentazione del nuovo percorso “ENTRY MAS”. Alle ore 17, solo per bambini dai 9 ai 13 anni.

STAGE DI DANZA CONTEMPORANEA: tre ore di stage di Danza Contemporanea, guidati dai due coreografi Massimo Perugini e Alex Atzewi. Dalle ore 15:30. Gli stage sono rivolti a tutti i ballerini e prevedono un contributo di partecipazione.

Per prenotazioni e informazioni: e tel. 02.27225
Evento Facebook: 
MAS Music, Arts & Show - Via Meucci 83, Milano - ITALY


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Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Saturday the 22nd. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.