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Events / Countries and Territories / Netherlands / North Holland 




North Holland








El Día Internacional de la Danza se celebra en Tías


Tías será este domingo el epicentro de la danza. El Pabellón Cubierto acogerá una gran gala para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Danza. Las escuelas de baile y danza se darán cita, en esta nueva edición del 2019, en este espectáculo donde la coreografía volverá a impactar a los cientos de personas que asistirán a este evento que cuenta con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Tías.

La gala arrancará a las 17 horas de este domingo, día 14, bajo las presentación de Fran Vega y Ruíz Rodríguez, y la coordinación de Beatrice Sennet, impulsora de este evento, juntamente con el Ayuntamiento de Tías. La entrada es gratuita

De manera previa a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Danza, el conocido coreógrafo y bailarín Borja Rueda ofrecerá una máster class, a las 11 horas, en las instalaciones del Polideportivo Municipal de Tías. Rueda ha participado como bailarían en los exitosos programas de televisión OT y Tu cara me suena.














Dear all, we rpresent to you the announcement of the 
Vajra Dance course in Amsterdam, starting the 
29th of April

In celebration of CID, International Dance Day 
29th of April

Vajra Dance weekend in Amsterdam, 
The Netherlands 29th April - 1st May 2016
The Dance of the Vajra That Benefits Beings
Led by authorised instructor Stoffelina Verdonk

Dear brothers and sisters,
In 2011, the Vajra Dance was officially recognized by CID (Conseil International de la Danse in Paris), the official organization recognized by UNESCO for all forms of dance in all countries of the world. Chögyal Namkhai Norbu also became a member of this International Dance Council.

This is the ideal possibility to start learning the Vajra Dance! Stoffelina Verdonk is a very experienced teacher, certified by CID, and a IDC Vajra Dance teacher. She will teach in English if necessary.
So come to Amsterdam for Vajra Dance! Rangdrolling welcomes you!

The course is open to people who are beginners, and to those who already know the dance and want to refresh it.

Broedplaats HW10 , Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, 1065 AS Amsterdam

Friday 29th April 19.00 - 21.00
Saturday 30th April 10.00 - 13.00 and 15.00 - 18.00
Sunday 1st May 10.00 - 13.00 and 14.30 -17.30

FEES for this weekend course
- 120 euros for non-members
Please contact us if you have financial difficulties.

We can provide accommodation at local practitioners' to a limited number of people
For info and registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vajra dance is a meditation practice that integrates movement and sound. It
is primarily a means to harmonize the energy of each individual, and to help
integrate all experiences related to our three existences of Body, Voice,
and Mind into the state of contemplation.

The Vajra Dance is practised on a Mandala which represents the correspondence between the internal dimension of the individual and the outer dimension of the world.
The Dance of the Vajra That Benefits Beings can be practised by anyone who wishes, and as long as its origin and integrity are always acknowledged and respected it can be used as a method to enrich any spiritual path.

Warm wishes,
Rangdrolling Vajra Dance team








Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

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