Dear Mr. President of CID, Dr. Raftis and dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to announce the eve of the World Dance Day
St. Petersburg Section with the support of the Herzen Pedagogical University organizes the International Congress on Dance Research,
which will be held 25-29 April 2018 in Saint-Petersburg.
We are glad to invite friends to the events dedicated to the Dance Day:
· Educational project - Ball «Dance heritage of St. Petersburg» April 25, 2018
· Festival - competition of choreographic art «Heritage» April 27, 2018
· Gala-concert of the Congress April 27, 2018
· Festive event «Ship of Dance» April 29, 2018
We are waiting for you in St. Petersburg on the events of our united
family of CID at UNESCO!
Happy International Dance Day!
Saint-Petersburg Section CID at UNESCO
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Congress websitehttp://www.congress2018.cid-spb.ru/index.php/en/

Dear Mr. President of CID, Dr. Raftis and dear friends!
We are pleased to announce the eve of the International Day of Dance
St. Petersburg Section with the support of the Herzen Pedagogical University organizes the International conference "Dance unites people".
In those days will be held traditional international dance festival
"Creator and keepers of tradition", "Non-stop festival",
Choreographic competition "First Swallows".
We are waiting for you in St. Petersburg on the events of our united family of CID at UNESCO!
Happy International Dance Day!
Saint-Petersburg Section CID at UNESCO
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In those days will be held traditional international dance festival "Creator and keepers of tradition" and "Non-stop festival".
Day of Dance aims to unite all areas of dance, to become the occasion to celebrate this art form and its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, its ability to bring people together in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance.
We are waiting for you in St. Petersburg on the events of our united family of CID at UNESCO!
We wish you happy International Dance Day!
Saint-Petersburg Section CID at UNESCO

* САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ - Начало в 18:00. Центр Новый Акрополь, Набережная Фонтанки, д. 79. Ведёт Ольга Тарнопольская - Круговые танцы в Петербурге!.
* МОСКВА - Начало в 12-00 в Центре танца "АрбатКласс", пер.Сивцев Вражек, д.20. Ведут Наталья Еремеева и Евгения Серова (8-499-252-74-07).
* САМАРА - Начало в 18.30 на набережной Великой Волги! Ведёт Любовь Зырянова - ВОЛШЕБНЫЕ ТАНЦЫ народов мира В САМАРЕ.
* СОЧИ - Ведёт Ирина Баранова (г. Москва) - Круговые танцы в Сочи!.
* ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ - Начало в 19:00. Ул.Пролетарская 10. Ведёт Татьяна Сурь - ~~~ ПРИГЛАШАЕМ В КРУГ ~~~.
* НОВОСИБИРСКИЙ АКАДЕМГОРОДОК - Ведёт Гуля Глушенко - Новосибирский Академ танцует КРУГОВЫЕ ТАНЦЫ.
* КРАСНОЯРСК - Начало в 18.00 на площади ТЦ "Красноярье"! Ведёт Елена Ульянникова - Круговые танцы народов мира в Красноярске.
* АГИДЕЛЬ (Башкортостан) - Начало в 18:00 на природе! Ведёт Гузель Шахмина - Круговые танцы народов мира. Башкортостан.
* СЕЛО АМЗЯ (Башкортостан) - Начало в 19.00 в ДШИ. Ведущая - Галина Хохрякова - Круговые танцы в Амзе.
* РОСТОВ-НА-ДОНУ подхватит эстафету 30 апреля и превратит праздник в двухдневный! Начало в 18.00. Центр Большая Садовая, 55. ауд. 704. Ведёт Надежда Светличная - Круговые танцы разных стран. Ростов-на-Дону.

Congress website: www.cidcongress-spb.com
Section website: www.cidunesco-spb.ru, http://www.cidunesco-spb.ru/
Aelita Kondratova
Vice-President of Saint-Petersburg Section CID UNESCO

Choreographers and dancers, amateurs and professionals are preparing for the World Dance Day!
This day gives an opportunity one more time to remind people about the unifying power and the special importance for society of this form of art as uniting for people of different social backgrounds, different ages and nationalities. Day of Dance aims to unite all areas of dance, to become the occasion to celebrate this art form and its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, its ability to bring people together in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance.

I am waiting for you in St. Petersburg on the events of our united family of CID - UNESCO!
Events dedicated to the World Dance Day in St. Petersburg 2014:Event: "Non-stop festival" dedicated to the World Dance Day.
Date: April 27, 2014.Time: 1pm - 9pm.
Venue: Saint-Petersburg, Gorkovskaya metro station, 4 Alexander's park, "Velikan park", first floor hall.Organizers: "Creative association" Plus " in collaboration with Saint-Petersburg Section CID UNESCO.
Participants: Dance ensembles of varies styles and ages.
Valentina Marchuk - project coordinator, manager of Dance Studio «Caminito» tel. +7 (952) 2275619
Maxim Stepanov - the Chairman of the Nonprofit partnership "Creative association" Plus " tel. +7 (921) 3259037
Aelita Kondratova - Vice-President of Saint-Petersburg Section CID - UNESCO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: April 20-29, 2014.
Time: 1pm - 9pm (every day).
Venue: Saint-Petersburg, the Schools and the Universities of St. Petersburg.Organizer: Saint-Petersburg Section CID UNESCO.
Participants: Dance ensembles of varies styles and ages.
Aelita Kondratova - Vice-President of Saint-Petersburg Section CID - UNESCO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Best regards,
Vice-President of Saint-Petersburg Section CID - UNESCO
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2. Venue: Concert Hall of St.Petersburg hotel, address: St.Petersburg, Russia, Pirogovskaya nab., 5/2
3. Title of event Grand Prix of "Super dance from folk to modern" festival-competition
4. Organizer: "Inter Aspect" Center of International Cooperation
5. Participants: Dance ensembles of varies styles and ages
6. Description-Program: Grand Prix contest
7. Contact details: www.interfestplus.ru/en
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you in advance for cooperation,
Best regards,
Elena Bizina
General director of Centre of International Cooperation
"Inter Aspect"
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Dear Mr. President of CID Dr. Alkis Raftis and colleagues!
We congratulate you with Dance Day,
We wish you creative inspiration and eternal youth with the dance!
With best regards,
Saint-Petersburg Section CID UNESCO
29th April
World Dance Day
This day in Saint-Petersburg is full of dance events.
7:15 - Morning TV program on 100 TV Channel - special episode about CID UNESCO and the world of dance
12:00 – 15:00 «Dance marathon»-in all city's schools you will be able to see performances of children dance groups. And free workshops for children and youths.
Among performers: «Nevskaya Akvarel», «Rythms of century», «Ritmix», «Rossiyanochka», «Etoile» and many others.
19:00 - 23:00 Professional choreographers and dancers have prepared evening plays and concerts with all forms of dance .
19:00 Dedication to World Dance Day "Evening of stylish choreography" - project of Saint-Petersburg Dance Academy .
Venue: Palace of Youth
Aelita Kondratova
Vice-President, Curator of cultural and educational programs of Saint-Petersburg Section CID UNESCO
Vice-President of All-Russian Art Federation
Interview of Ms. Aelita Kondratova on TV on the Dance Day
+7 921 936 98 28
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