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Events / Countries and Territories / Canada / Ontario / Toronto










International Dance Day 2018

29-Apr-2018 - 29-Apr-2018

Since 2005, the Canadian Dance Assembly (CDA) has issued a message on behalf of the dance community in Canada as part of International Dance Day, which takes place annually on April 29th. This year, CDA invited Vivine Scarlett of dance Immersion to share her inspirational message to all Canadians!

“The universal movement of dance releases the very essence of what is all around us. It connects and weaves so deep that one can feel the wisdom, patience and graciousness of its flow. With each move made there is a giving and receiving communication in that universal experience. Dance is a vehicle that lends itself to learning about oneself. It helps us move through life's experiences by expressing our stories and our history, by commenting on our present and nurturing our future.

Dance for you.
Dance for us.
Just dance and let the rhythm of our spirits soar in the movement of DANCE.”
  - Vivine


















1.  Date and time of the event - June 11, 2016 at 3pm & 7pm
2.  Venue: Full address, hints on how to go there - AYC Theatre - 50 Hallcrown Place, Toronto ON. M2J 1P6
3.  Title of event - The World Through Dance
4.  Organizer - Sassoun Dance Ensemble
5.  Participants - All 70 members of Sassoun Dance Ensemble
6.  Description-Program - A multicultural performance, which not only includes dance, but also live music, singing, acting and poetry from over 10 countries around the world.
7.  Contact details: Telephone, email, website, postal address - Sevag Avakian, 416 826 2029This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sasoun Dance 2016 WEB flyer









Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

Thursday the 6th. Design by JoomlaTemplateMaker.