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Events / Countries and Territories / Italy / Tuscany









29 aprile

Giornata mondiale della Danza

Il 29 aprile è la giornata mondiale della danza indetta dal CID-UNESCO e a Merigar sarà l'occasione per praticare  durante la giornata La Danza del Vajra e Khaita.Danzare con il mandala completo in luogo potenziato come Merigar è una grande occasione per fare una profonda esperienza di pratica.

Invitiamo tutti coloro che sanno danzare anche solo una delle Danze a partecipare e condividere questa giornata di festa.


Programma della giornata a Merigar

Programme of the Day at Merigar (Italy)

11.00-13.00 Danza del Vajra/Dance of the Vajra

15.30-16.30 Danza del Vajra/Dance of the Vajra

16.30-19.00 Khaita Joyful Dances

19.00-20.00 Danza del Vajra/Dance of the Vajra


Merigar Office

+39 0564966837

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The International Dzogchen Community joins the worldwide Dance Day with Vajra Dance and Tibetan Modern Dances.

The Vajra Dance, introduced by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in 1991, is a meditation in movement carried on a Mandala, which represents our external world and its correspondence to the inner dimension of each individual.

Since Tibetan Culture has universal relevance, members of the International Dzogchen Community are accompanying the World Day of Dance with traditional Tibetan folk and modern dances with new choreographies created under the guidance of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu.

With our hearts and our dances we are connecting to all dancers around the world wishing infinite benefits and joyful evolution to the whole world.

We are happy to support the worldwide Dance Day with extensive dance sessions throughout the globe in various Centers in Europe, Russia, Asia, USA, South America, Australia, New Zealand.


Argentina, Buenos Aires

Estonia, Tallinn

France, Le Devès

Italy, Naples, Arcidosso

Germany, Berlin

New Zealand

Russia, Moskow, Sochi, Krasnodar

USA, Conway

Venezuela, Merida


The Dance of the Vajra

Khaita - Harmony in the Space

View on

Dzogchen Community Contact



Dance Day        يوم الرقص       Journée de la Danse       舞蹈日       Día de la Danza       День Танца 

a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO
the official organization for Dance world wide

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